Where it is identified that an eligible or relevant persons requires accommodation, their personal adviser must complete a referral to the brokerage unit.
It is imperative that at this point the person's legal status is highlighted, as this will affect the negotiations relating to the person's financial situation.
Initial telephone conversation: where the vacancies and appropriateness of the referral with regard to the needs of the young person are discussed.
Referral form and supporting information: the referrer will supply the history and recent review reports.
Holistic assessment of the referral: where a preliminary visit is arranged with a social worker, the person, as well as the family where appropriate.
Funding for placement: financial factors and the timescales will be agreed upon
Bedroom: the social worker will consult with the service user regarding their choice.
Group of residents: all house members will welcome the new person. The individual will also meet their key worker and given an induction guide to their respective house.
Induction guide: this document will outline the features of the house, and give information on where to seek clarity and support when needed
House rules and routines: this information will also be provided, and the person will be encouraged to speak out.
Placement planning meeting: this meeting will be held within 3 days of the placement.