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Ensuring that our clientele has a stable and nurturing environment is at the heart of everything that we do. We aim to exceed National Standards with our expertly trained staff who aim to deliver a high quality of care to our people and address any issues at hand.


Our relationship with these individuals are founded on a feeling of mutual respect, and we value their rights, identity, responsibility and cultural diversity.  We design tailor-made care packages by assessing their respective needs. We manage a wide variety of behaviours including autistic spectrum disorder, ADHD, offending behaviour, anger management and sexually harmful behaviour.

Each person is provided with a social worker, and in addition, receives advice from exemplary adult role models to help the individual to progress and grow as individuals.

When we arrange an accommodation for our individuals, our benchmark question is “Would I live in here?” in order to ensure we only offer high quality living space.



QCRS strives to safeguard and promote the welfare of our clients. We always review and update our policies and procedures, alongside risk assessment and building safety measures in order to keep the individuals safe at all times. We also have robust procedures to manage complains, allegations and other matters. Everything we do is regularly audited in order to improve our service.


Only approved and accredited approaches are used, and practice guidelines are strictly followed since the safety of our youth and adults is imperative.


We offer the service users with the following skills to gain:


Budgeting skills

Applying for jobs skills

Self-hygiene and self-respect

Self- reliance skills

Our friendly staff will help the individual understand their emotional needs


We at QCRS offer placement opportunities to individuals with physical impairments, mental disorders and learning difficulties. Our supported living services are provided to people living in their own homes. 


Most of the people we support are living in properties they rent from our organisation.  We provide an easy to read tenancy agreement which helps people to understand the responsibilities of being a tenant.   Some of the people we support rent a property privately or from the council and some have purchased or inherited their own home. Wherever a person lives, our supported living services help the individual to manage the responsibility of having their own home. 

We find each individual a support worker and a social worker who shares the same interests as they do so that they can spend quality time together. Our support workers will liaise closely with the person ’s social worker to develop a tailored pathway plan. In addition, we will set clear behavioural goals in place to ensure the individual is kept safe. We also measure the progress one makes using our highly proficient assessment techniques.  Every person is offered a chance to achieve accredited life skills. Any client requiring a high level of support will have access to an on-site member at any time of day. 

The ways our support planning service works are:


  • Needs Assessment

  • One-to-one support

  • Progress reports

  • Assistance accessing education and training

  • Finance management

  • Help accessing health services/support

  • Family support

All our care provision is service user led and is designed to assist the individual to be enabled and not to become dependent on our staff.

In addition to the core services provided by Qualified Care Residential Services, our service users are more than welcome to request for additional services. We pride ourselves on respecting the values of privacy, dignity, and choice for all our clientele.


We are always delighted to empower our service user to make the right choices for their lives so that they are settled and happy; as well as feel included within the wider community.

Supported Living

Accommodation is centrally located and fully equipped with modern interior including an en-suite and kitchen- the accommodation is specifically chosen to promote an individual's health, safety and independent living skills. Aspirational accommodation hence means young people take pride in their living space and are more likely to maintain it to a higher standard. Health and Safety checks and night visits are carried out regularly and a 24 hour On Call service ensures safety and security.

Our semi-independent placements have helped over 100 Care Leavers move through the difficult transition to independence. We currently have high-quality, well. We support young people to reach their potential through flexible and personalised key-work and therapeutic support packages. Living next door to working professionals, young people are given an opportunity to understand the realities and challenges of living independently. We manage risk by equipping young people with vital life skills to increase their ability to secure and keep permanent housing.

How we support the individual:


Our high performing team of trained and motivated staff are informed by the latest research and quality standards.

Staff work with young people to build warm and nurturing relationships which provide a stable base for long-term behaviour change and improved resilience.

Our cutting-edge research in working successfully with adolescents leaving care, and supporting young people during transition, is incorporated into every aspect of the work we do, including motivational interviewing and the Adolescence Metallisation-Based Integrative Treatment [AMBIT] model.

Regular and prompt communication with the professional network.

Professionals work collaboratively to develop and manage care plans with young individuals and their network.

Information is shared appropriately and promptly with clear plans, priorities, outcomes and actions.

A 24 Hour On-Call Service allows swift response to incidents and accidents.

Semi-Independent Living
Independent Living

QCRS’s independent living services provide younger people interested in independent living, with little or no care needs, the opportunity to buy a beautiful purpose-built home for the future.


Utilising independent living accommodation with QCRS removes the burden of property maintenance, the fear of unexpected bills and gives individuals the added peace of mind should their needs change in the future our on-site QCRS Homecare team are right on your doorstep, ready to assist you.

Independent living with QCRS means you will no longer have to worry about day-to-day matters such as external building maintenance, gardening, building insurance or window cleaning, leaving you free to enjoy the next chapter of your life.

Our independent living services are designed to meet the specific needs of mature individuals who want to continue to maintain an independent lifestyle. These low maintenance homes combine elegance with practical features designed to make life a little easier. Filled with helpful touches such as easy turn taps, level access showers, wall units mounted lower and storage drawers replacing awkward cupboards, these luxury homes are designed for your increased comfort and convenience.

We provide high quality, person-centred services which promote the independence, choice, wellbeing and inclusion of the individuals we support.  All our accommodations are specifically designed and decorated to fully support the residents. Our highly trained and dedicated team provide ongoing support to the residents as they move on with their lives. In case of any potential problems, our dedicated team is always at hand. We treat people as individuals and promote their dignity, independence and wellbeing at all times. We are always there to assist the individual to realise their personal aspirations; whilst remaining in a safe, secure environment.

  • Emergency Beds
    QCRS accepts emergency placements 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We have a multi-disciplinary team at all sites, swiftly meeting the appropriate needs of every individual. We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to overcome any issues at hand. Our staff have an effective care management process in place to safeguard vulnerable young people and adults. We provide a range of emergency beds in two, three, four bedroomed houses located in and out of London. Our service allows time for young individuals to return to their family, allow planning and admission to a new placement. We accept people of all genders, ethnicities, race and culture; and facilitate services for a wide range of emergency intensity levels. Options for individuals who urgently need accommodation include: ​ Night stay: this is a service where the young person is placed in an approved family home, suitable for young people with small to medium support needs. ​ Crash pad: the longer-term model of the night stay, with a flexible amount of days until a permanent stay is arranged. Short stay: provides access to hostels for young people Supported housing: accommodation with carers, which can last up to 2 years and more.
  • Ex-Offenders
    QCRS provides full service support for ex-offenders upon their release from prison. Through our professional and dedicated members, we provide these individuals help with housing, employment and training, resulting in a significantly reduced chance of re-offending. We understand that these individuals are at a crucial point in their lives where they are vulnerable, hence we encourage individuals to adopt more positive behaviour. We collaborate with housing departments, private landlords and registered social landlords in order to help an ex-offender move away from crime. We also work with criminal justice services to ensure that the risk posed by an offender is managed appropriately so they can move into appropriate accommodation. We also give the individual the opportunity to gain the skills and qualifications they need to work towards independence. Our approach is consistent, fair and always builds on their strengths, developing their confidence and helping the individual turn their life around. We ensure to assist these individuals by: ​ Helping individuals find appropriate accommodation Giving the individuals help and advice on benefits Managing anti-social behaviour Maintaining their tenancies Find benefits, grants or other financial support available to the individual Tools and support to find education and employment
  • Community Interventions
    Our community-based interventions team help residents settle in their communities. We adopt a multi-agency framework approach and use skills of a wide range of professionals, partner agencies, in order to help individuals self-reflect and create meaningful, sustainable life changes. We look after their emotional well-being by helping these individuals build resilience through socialising, healthy relationships, positive lifestyles and access to development opportunities. We strive to help individuals find the appropriate family and friends support to recuperate from any domestic abuse or other vulnerable experiences in their life. It is ensured that all the complex issues such as socio-economic deprivation that might lead to gang involvement are resolved with a responsive and needs-led service. We guide these people to continue with their education, find training or employment, hence effectively discouraging any poor decision making or engagement in negative behaviours such as unexpected pregnancy or illegal use of alcohol and other substances. ​ We ensure to provide: ​ A holistic approach to support the people and improve their life chances. Support by facilitating suitable intervention to address any arising antisocial behaviour. Encouragement to build connections to the community and help individuals become meaningful members of the community.
  • Mother and Baby Placements
    We provide person-centred semi-independent and independent mother and baby placements as required. A young parent looking after a new baby, whether premature or sick, is readily given in-depth advice by our friendly team. We understand how becoming a young parent can impact their social lives, financial situation, housing and relationships. In case the parent is suffering from drug or alcohol abuse, a learning difficulty or a mental health problem, we are there to aid the individual. Individuals undergo a social work viability assessment. In addition, we use our bespoke Customer Relationship Management software to provide a wide range of up-to-date reports so that our staff can help the individual every step of the way. We also provide supported housing for pregnant teenagers and help the individual develop essential living skills so that they can get the best start in their life. We ultimately desire the young parent to feel better informed, more confident and less isolated through pregnancy, birth and beyond. We provide these clients with: ​ Sexual health and contraception Parenting skills Building positive relationships Help with their childcare costs Support to find work, and insight into rights at the workplace Guidance on future decisions
  • Asylum Seekers
    If a person has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another, our multi-lingual and diverse workforce can help the individual by providing the individual with housing. QCRS understands how they may be misrepresented by the media. Some of their thoughts may be difficult to manage and unimaginable to tell, having fled from war, rape or torture. We provide the appropriate counselling and support for a wide range of issues, including trauma, loss, self-harm, suicide, anxiety, isolation and sleep problems. We also offer the individual, classes, to learn English so that they can integrate with the society. We go the extra mile to provide the individual with the support necessary to live again with dignity and help the individual build safe, happy and productive lives in the UK. We provide these clients with: Ensure that laws and policies are put in place to help keep the refugee safe and protect their rights, despite their immigration status or nationality. come up with permanent solutions for the young people that are in their best interests Reduce the damaging impact that destitution has on asylum seekers Issue and enforce occupancy agreements Manage rent and rent arrears
  • Women's Refuges
    Our service promotes the welfare of women fleeing from violence and abuse, including domestic violence, sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, honour-based violence and modern slavery. QCRS understands how individuals may feel scared, isolated and confused. They may even be ashamed or afraid to tell anyone about their situation. However, there is no need to feel alone- we are there for these women. We will not judge the person or tell the individual what to do. We will advise and help the individual take it one step at a time, and support the individual in whatever they decide. We will not inform anyone that these women have been in touch with us. Our trained support workers will help these women rebuild their lives free from violence and fear. We will help the individual regain their confidence and self-strength with safety being our main priority. We can provide individuals with: ​ A support worker who will help the individual to apply for benefits, housing applications, counselling, and legal options A room with the individual's safety in mind One-to-one emotional and practical support Safety planning Connections to legal and benefits advice Support through the criminal justice system 24-hour service with additional outreach and specialist support
  • Mental Health Units
    QCRS focuses on the way stress impacts their lives. We provide a safe place for people who are lonely and isolated to meet and socialise with others and a place for the individual to receive practical help and advice. Our philosophy is underpinned by optimism and a commitment to the empowerment of others on the journey towards recovery. Our aim is to ensure that individuals get the expertise they need to address their mental health problems. Service users with non-psychotic disorders including Personality Disorder and Neuro-Developmental disorders and those with a psychotic or mood disorder have their needs taken care of by our expert multidisciplinary team. We deliver support for people who are experiencing or recovering from mental health problems to engage in activities in the community as part of their recovery. These include activities relating to sport and exercise, family and neighbourhood, faith and cultural communities, education and arts and culture. We aid with: Form filling Benefit issues Managing bills and debt Outreach support Community issues (issues with neighbours)
  • Rehabilitation Units
    Our service strives to help individuals recover from the difficulties of longer-term problems. We will help and support people who still find it difficult to cope with everyday life or get on with other people. Our aim is to help our clients deal with problems, to get their confidence back, and to help the individual live as independently as possible. Our service includes a detailed assessment which incorporates an individual's views and preferences. The staff will discuss a care plan with the individual. The team will meet an individual's need in a timely and appropriate way. Our centres are set in tranquil settings, surrounded by the seaside, rural countryside or quiet villages. They are strategically placed in idyllic locations to help aid the recovery process. We have a 24/7 support in place, alongside 1-year aftercare plans on top to meet their needs. We aim to help the individual: Learn or re-learn life skills. Get their confidence back. Cope better without so much help. Achieve the things they want to, like living in their own flat, getting a job or starting a family. Feel independent and comfortable with their life.
  • Development Support
    Residents develop their emotional, intellectual, social creative, independent living skills and interests. Able to explore and make sense of their identity through the use of sports, culture and arts activities; a sense of belonging is generated, and positive self-esteem and wellbeing promoted. Young people are encouraged to volunteer, attend college or work, and aspire for a positive future. They develop new hobbies and interests, leading to a growth in social skills and confidence. Young people’s views, wishes and feelings are actively integrated into service development. Young people are regularly provided with opportunities to feedback to staff on any level. Their wishes are feelings are actively sought and acted upon unless it is contrary to their interests. Individuals are also given opportunities for leadership and personal development.



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